Hello from Bob and Marilyn Petersen

Zippidee Du our Hunter Passage 420

Looking for a new Hanse or a used boat either sail or power see David Erdman

sailing boat

Short Tales

Just another fun night sail


The plan was to pull anchor around 5:00 pm and go outside of the reef at West End and take a dive mooring. Helen-Louise went first and got a mooring then it was my turn. Well lets bring up the wind conditions first. It was blowing 15 to 20 with strong gusts 20 degrees or so off the wind direction. Went to pick the mooring but had problems just a bought the time I would head to the front of the boat a gust would hit and push me away form the mooring. Tried 8 or 9 times and gave up on that mooring. Its painter was to short. So I went looking for another one. Found one with a longer painter and with the experience from the first one, I got hooked up on the second try. At this point I went ahead and made fast the dingy and got the main sail ready to rise. Then went below to get some sleep before the depart time of 10:00pm.


I woke from a light sleep thinking something was not right. Put on my glasses and look out. It did not look right, the land looked to far away, so I check the chart plotter and yes we were drifting away. Thinking that the painter had given away at the cleat I started the engine and said here we go. On getting on the correct heading I heard a noise and looked over the side and what did I see but a mooring ball trying to keep up and doing a dam good job of it. Run forward to release it but no go, to much presser on the line. Go back and slow the engine down and try it again. Again can not get it off. Back to the cockpit again turned the boat up into the wind then I was able to get the line off. Thought about bring it onboard it was to hard to handle so just let it go. Called Helen-Louise and told them what happened and that I was on my way.


The wind had increase from this afternoon and I was in open water I did not raise the main. Just pulled out some of the headsail. As I said it was blowing hard so I only want to start with a little sail and let out about half. Go the boat set on course think everything was good. Well now that the start was two hours earlier then was planed, the speed need to be slower to get there on the correct time frame. That would be a speed of around 5 knots. But we are going 7 knots. Did not want to turn back up into the wind to roll in some sail so just let it go for awhile. Also the waves were big and coming on the aft quarter, not good. Was being slackened and stirred at the same time. About an hour and a half later the wind let up for a minute and I was able to get the take up line around a winch and was able to take in some sail so that just a little was left out. About one fourth of it. This helped it dropped us down to the 5.5kn range.


Just laying backing enjoying the sail for a change. That when it happen. Just laying out looking at the stars this giant wave hits a large amount to water comes into the cockpit hits me. Wet, well down below to get a dry jacket. Left the rests of the wet things on. Thinking that what ever I change to would get wet also. The good news is that did not get anymore of waves that size again. Good back looking at the stars thinking Star Trek thoughts, when I feel like a big drop of cold water hit my hand. But wait, its clear, no rain around. Marilyn will understand this. So putting my hand by my nose and took a sniff. Fish, yes I was hit by a flying fish. Turned on a light and found it in the cockpit alive so over the side it goes. Later finding another one in the cockpit and three by the side rail.


At about 3am looking up the VHF was not on. Thinking I had lost my radio, went below to get the hand held one. Did a quick look around and found that the panel that the VHF was mounted in had fell out and landed on the push button that turn the radio off. So put the panel screwed in and turned it back on. I did say it was ruff out there. I have some pictures that Pam took after the sun came up. The wind had died down the waves just a little. When I get to some place that I can post them I will.


Got there a noon as planned even thru it all.